Earth Friendly Wood Fired Hot Tub Use

Looking for ways to conserve water in your AlumiTub? Here's our top tips:
1. Pump water into your tub directly from a natural water source, like the lake, ocean or rain water collection. Before repurposing, be sure to neutralize it if using bromine or hydrogen peroxide in your water.
- You can get months of use out of a single fill with a few simple tricks: Extend the cleanliness of your water by showering off before soaking in your tub. Lotions, shampoo and even laundry detergent from swimwear will make its way into your water otherwise.
- If you're on the grid, use a water softener to treat hard well water, a filter, or even set up a pump system.
- If you don't have electricity or a natural water source available to fill your saltwater hot tub with, repurpose your drained water in the garden by connecting a hose to the Drain Kit.
- Use your tub lids to keep it free of debris, and use a small net to scoop out anything that lands in your tub while in use.
- If you're lucky enough to be by the sea, use saltwater. You can use it au nautrel without the addition of chemicals for 7-10 days before changing it. Use a filter to keep debris out.
For more tips to conserve your water and keep your AlumiTub clean, read this blog post or watch our instructional video.
AlumiTubs are made locally on the Sunshine Coast Canada where we source sustainable materials from our community. Each of our wood fired hot tubs are 100% recyclable and built to last a lifetime, and they help preserve water by being guaranteed to never leak.
When we all do our part, we can help minimize our carbon footprint and help protect our environment. Learn more about us here.
Here's some more tips to make your fire heated hot tub more eco-friendly:
- Use dry, fallen wood to heat. The dryer the better, and the less you'll use.
- Ask us to make your tub compatible with alternative heating methods like solar or electric.
- Use the insulation provided and put the lids on between use. It takes 2-4 hours to heat for an initial fill, and just an armful of wood a day to keep it at hot tubbing temperature. If you won't be using it for a few days, let the fire diminish and put the lids on to keep it clean. Learn more about 2 person outdoor hot tub.
- Tags: Guides Sustainable Use